Never Walk Away From a Funny Disagreement Quotes

Y'all know how the saying goes: Laughter is the all-time medicine. And in that location'due south and then much truth to that quondam adage. If you're having a bad 24-hour interval, or if someone you love needs a lilliputian cheering up, humor can aid ease the tension and create a little pocket of joy amid life's stresses.

This drove of funny quotes provides an array of ways to trigger that smiling and turn around someone's lousy mood. (Even if that someone is you!) Nosotros've got funny quotes well-nigh love, marriage, aging, parenting, and and then many more relatable topics. Grab your favorites for greeting cards, social media captions, or even just to print and hang above your desk-bound to serve as a petty reminder that life's not that serious — and we're all much better off laughing so we don't cry!

These funny quotes come from famous comedians like Betty White, Joan Rivers, Lucille Ball, and Phyllis Diller. Yous'll also notice laugh-out-loud quotes from your favorite timeless sitcoms similar The Role, and funny-but-oh-and then-wise movies like Steel Magnolias. So savor our listing and bookmark information technology to come dorsum to anytime y'all need a express joy.

Looking for more inspiration? Cheque out these poignant quotes for women and inspirational quotes about life.

Funny Quotes About Life

funny quotes about life  mindy kaling

Woman's Twenty-four hour period/Getty Images

1. "Life is short. Drive fast and go out a sexy corpse. That's one of my mottos."
—Stanley Hudson, The Office

2. "There is no sunrise then beautiful that information technology is worth waking me up to see it."
―Mindy Kaling

3. "I ever cook with wine. Sometimes I even add it to the food."
—Westward.C. Fields

4. "People say money is not the key to happiness, just I have e'er figured if you have enough money, you can take a central made."
—Joan Rivers

5. "Practise not take life besides seriously. You will never get out of it alive."
—Elbert Hubbard

6. "I generally avert temptation unless I tin can't resist it."
―Mae West

funny quotes about life  charlie brown

Woman'due south Day/Getty Images

seven. "Sometimes y'all prevarication in bed at dark and you don't accept a single matter to worry nigh. That e'er worries me!"
—Charlie Brown

8. "The optimist proclaims that we alive in the all-time of all possible worlds, and the pessimist fears this is true."
—James Branch Cabell

9. "I'thou killing fourth dimension while I wait for life to shower me with significant and happiness."
―Beak Watterson

10. "You only live one time, simply if you exercise it right, once is enough."
―Mae West

eleven. "If at first you don't succeed, try, effort again. Then quit. No utilize existence a damn fool about information technology."
―W.C. Fields

12. "I love mankind... it'southward people I can't stand!!"
― Charles M. Schulz

13. "I think God, in creating human, somewhat overestimated his ability."
―Oscar Wilde

funny quotes about life  michael scott the office

Woman'south Day/Getty Images

xiv. "Would I rather be feared or loved? Easy. Both. I want people to exist afraid of how much they honey me."
—Michael Scott, The Office

xv. ​​"Two things are infinite: the universe and homo stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe."
―Albert Einstein

xvi. "When life gives you lemons, squirt someone in the eye."
―Cathy Guisewite

17. "Life is pleasant. Death is peaceful. It'south the transition that's troublesome."
―Isaac Asimov

18. "When I was growing up I e'er wanted to be someone. Now I realize I should take been more specific."
—Lily Tomlin

19. "I have a lot of growing upwards to do. I realized that the other day inside my fort."
—Zach Galifianakis

20. "I but desire to lie on the beach and eat hot dogs. That's all I've e'er wanted."
—Kevin Malone, The Office

21. ​​"Whenever I'm about to practice something, I think, 'Would an idiot exercise that?' And if they would, I do not exercise that affair."
—Dwight Schrute, The Office

funny quotes about life  mark twain

Woman'south Mean solar day/Getty Images

22. "Never put off till tomorrow what you can practise the day after tomorrow just as well."
—Mark Twain

23. "I'k non crazy — I've just been in a very bad mood for forty years."
—Ouiser Boudreaux, Steel Magnolias

Funny Quotes for Friends

funny quotes for friends  claire belcher steel magnolias

Adult female'south Day/Getty Images

24. "Well, you know what they say: If you don't take annihilation nice to say about anybody, come sit past me."
—Clairee Belcher, Steel Magnolias

25. "A woman is like a tea bag: You can't tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water."
—Eleanor Roosevelt

26. "Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, only what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks downwards."
—Oprah Winfrey

27. "Whatever women do they must do twice as well as men to be idea one-half as practiced. Luckily, this is not difficult."
—Charlotte Whitton

28. "I drinkable to make other people more interesting."
—Ernest Hemingway

29. "Vino is constant proof that God loves us and loves to see us happy."
—Benjamin Franklin

thirty. "When you're in jail, a adept friend will be trying to bond you lot out. A all-time friend will be in the cell next to you saying, 'Damn, that was fun.'"
―Groucho Marx

31. "I'yard not offended by blonde jokes because I know I'm not impaired. And I besides know that I'm not blonde."
—Dolly Parton

funny quotes for friends  carrie bradshaw sex and the city

Adult female's 24-hour interval/Getty Images

32. "I like my money where I can see it: hanging in my cupboard."
—Carrie Bradshaw, Sex and the Metropolis

33. "Crying is for patently women. Pretty women go shopping."
—Blanche Devereaux, The Golden Girls

34. "The statistics on sanity are that one out of every 4 Americans is suffering from some grade of mental affliction. Think of your iii all-time friends. If they're OK, then it'due south you." —Rita Mae Brownish

35. ​​"My friends tell me I have an intimacy trouble. But they don't actually know me."
—Garry Shandling

funny quotes for friends  sophia petrillo, the golden girls

Woman's Mean solar day/Getty Images

36. "People waste matter their time pondering whether a glass is one-half empty or one-half total. Me, I just drink any's in the glass."
—Sophia Petrillo, The Gilded Girls

37. "I don't care what they say about me. I just want to consume."
—Pam Beesly, The Function

38. "Don't waste so much time thinking about how much you weigh. There is no more than mind-numbing, dull, idiotic, self-destructive diversion from the fun of living."
—Meryl Streep

funny quotes for friends  cindy crawford

Woman's Day/Getty Images

39. "Fifty-fifty I don't wake up looking similar Cindy Crawford."
—Cindy Crawford

40. "I don't trust anyone who does their own pilus. I don't recollect it'due south natural."
—Truvy Jones, Steel Magnolias

Funny Quotes About Aging

funny quotes about aging  lucille ball

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41. "The underground of staying immature is to live honestly, eat slowly, and lie about your age."
—Lucille Ball

42. "​​Honey, time marches on and somewhen you realize information technology is marchin' across your face up."
—Truvy Jones, Steel Magnolias

43. "You know you've reached centre age when you're cautioned to irksome down by your doctor, instead of by the law."
—Joan Rivers

44. "People say, 'How you lot stay looking so young?' I say, well, good lighting, good doctors, and good makeup."
—Dolly Parton

45. "Look, you lot didn't ask me for my stance, but I'thousand one-time, so I'm giving it anyhow."
—Sophia Petrillo, The Golden Girls

46. "No matter how bad things get, call back these sage words: You're quondam, you sag, get over it."
—Sophia Petrillo, The Gilded Girls

47. "Y'all know you're getting old when you stoop to necktie your shoelaces and wonder what else y'all could exercise while you lot're down there." —George Burns

48. "Age is something that doesn't thing unless yous are a cheese."
—Luis Buñuel

49. "Every bit you get older, three things happen. The first is your memory goes, and I can't call back the other 2."
—Sir Norman Wisdom

Funny Quotes About Marriage

funny quotes about marriage  will ferrell

Woman's Solar day/Getty Images

50. "Before you marry a person, you should outset brand them use a computer with slow Internet service to see who they really are."
—Will Ferrell

51. "Women marry men hoping they will alter. Men marry women hoping they volition not. So each is inevitably disappointed."
—Albert Einstein

52. "I love you no affair what you do, just do yous accept to do then much of it?"
—Jean Illsley Clarke

53. "Love is blind merely wedlock is a real eye-opener."
—Pauline Thomason

54. "Never go to bed mad. Stay up and fight."
―Phyllis Diller

55. "The secret to a long marriage is to stay gone."
—Dolly Parton

56. "The best way to become almost husbands to do something is to suggest that possibly they're too old to do it."
—Shirley MacLaine

57. "As a human in a relationship, you lot take a simple pick. You can either exist correct, or you tin exist happy."
—Ralphie May

58. "Behind every smashing human being is a adult female rolling her eyes."
—Jim Carrey

Short Funny Quotes

short funny quotes  oscar wilde

Woman's Day/Getty Images

59. "The only affair worse than being talked nigh is non being talked most."
—Oscar Wilde

60. "The older you get, the better you go. Unless y'all're a banana."
—Betty White

61. "If you can't exist kind, at least be vague."
—Judith Martin

62. "Anybody who tells you coin tin can't buy happiness never had any."
—Samuel L. Jackson

63. "Reality continues to ruin my life."
―Pecker Watterson

64. "Don't be then humble — you lot are not that neat."
―Golda Meir

65. "Never miss a expert chance to close upward."
―Volition Rogers

66. "I've had nifty success being a total idiot. "
―Jerry Lewis

67. "Exercise things that brand you happy inside the confines of the legal system."
―Ellen DeGeneres

68. "Go to heaven for the climate, hell for the company."
—Mark Twain

69. "Instant gratification takes besides long."
—Carrie Fisher

70. "Don't become around proverb the earth owes you a living. The globe owes yous nothing. It was here first."
—Marking Twain

71. "My tastes are simple: I am hands satisfied with the best."
―Winston Due south. Churchill

72. "All the things I like to exercise are either immoral, illegal, or fattening."

—Alexander Woollcott

73. "Whoever established the high road and how high information technology should be should be fired."
—Sandra Bullock

Clever Quotes and Sayings

74. "Be wise, considering the world needs wisdom. If you lot cannot be wise, pretend to be someone who is wise, and then but behave like they would."
—Neil Gaiman

75. "Follow your passion, stay truthful to yourself, never follow someone else's path unless you're in the woods and you're lost and you see a path so by all means you lot should follow that."
—Ellen DeGeneres

76. "People who retrieve they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who exercise."
—Isaac Asimov

77. "A pessimist is a man who thinks everybody is as nasty as himself, and hates them for it."
―George Bernard Shaw

78. "Money can't buy y'all happiness, but it tin purchase you lot a yacht big plenty to pull upwardly right alongside it."
—David Lee Roth

79. "The lord gave united states of america two ends: One to sit on and the other to recall with. Success depends on which one we employ the most."
—Ann Landers

Funny Quotes Virtually Parenting

funny quotes about parenting  erma bombeck

Woman'south Mean solar day/Getty Images

fourscore. "When my kids become wild and unruly, I use a nice, safe playpen. When they're finished, I climb out."
—Erma Bombeck

81. "I want my children to accept all the things I couldn't afford. Then I want to movement in with them."
—Phyllis Diller

82. "Cleaning your house while your kids are still growing is like shoveling the walk before it stops snowing."
—Phyllis Diller

83. "Information technology is non easy existence a mother. If information technology were easy, fathers would do information technology."
—Dorothy Zbornak, The Golden Girls

84. "Adults are always asking children what they want to be when they grow up because they're looking for ideas."
—Paula Poundstone

85. "If you are not yelling at your kids, you are non spending enough time with them."
—Reese Witherspoon

86. "There is no such affair as fun for the whole family." —Jerry Seinfeld

87. "Everybody wants to save the earth. No i wants to help mom do the dishes."
—P.J. O'Rourke

Funny Quotes Near Piece of work

88. "Everything I have I owe to this job... this stupid, wonderful, boring, amazing task."
—Jim Halpert, The Office

89. "An office is a place to alive life to the fullest, to the max. An office is a place where dreams come true."
—Michael Scott, The Office

90. "So this is my life — until I win the lottery."
—Jim Halpert, The Function

91. "The all-time way to appreciate your job is to imagine yourself without one."
—Oscar Wilde

92. "Housework can't kill you lot, merely why take the chance?"
—Phyllis Diller

93. "I detest housework. You make the beds, you wash the dishes and six months later you lot have to start all over once more."
—Joan Rivers

94. "I like work. It fascinates me. I can sit and look at it for hours."
―Jerome K. Jerome

95. ​​"I always arrive late at the office, but I brand up for it past leaving early on."
―Charles Lamb

96. "Housekeeping is similar being caught in a revolving door."
—Marcelene Cox

97. "The simply matter that always sat its manner to success was a hen."
—Sarah Dark-brown

98. "You can't have a 1000000-dollar dream with a minimum-wage worth ethic."
—Zig Ziglar

99. "All yous demand in this life is ignorance and confidence — then success is sure."
—Marker Twain

100. "Even if you lot are on the correct track, you will get run over if y'all just sit there."
—Will Rogers

Freelance Author Alesandra is a veteran digital announcer based in Los Angeles, who has covered travel, food, events, way and beauty, entertainment, dwelling house, parenting, and viral content for more than than 15 years.

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